Content Discovery
This guide contains the answer and steps necessary to get to them for the Content Discovery room.
Table of Contents
- What Is Content Discovery?
- Manual Discovery - Robots.txt
- Manual Discovery - Favicon
- Manual Discovery - Sitemap.xml
- Manual Discovery - HTTP Headers
- Manual Discovery - Framework Stack
- OSINT - Google Hacking / Dorking
- OSINT - Wappalyzer
- OSINT - Wayback Machine
- OSINT - GitHub
- OSINT - S3 Buckets
- Automated Discovery
What is Content Discovery?
- What is the Content Discovery method that begins with M?
This answer can be found in the text.
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- What is the Content Discovery method that begins with A?
This answer can be found in the text.
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- What is the Content Discovery method that begins with O?
This answer can be found in the text.
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Manual Discovery - Robots.txt
This task gives more information about the robots text file.
- What is the directory in the robots.txt that isn't allowed to be viewed by web crawlers?
Open the browser and navigate to the webpage's robots file.
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Manual Discovery - Favicon
In this task we will be looking at the favicon to find out more about the underlying framework of the website.
We will use the following website as an example:
We look at the source of the page and note the link to the favicon. Then we can use curl to download the image and get its hash.
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Now we can navigate to the following website to compare the hash and find the framework:
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Manual Discovery - Sitemap.xml
In this task we will look at the sitemap of the demo website.
- What is the path of the secret area that can be found in the sitemap.xml file?
Looking at the sitemap, we can see a secret page.
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Manual Discovery - HTTP Headers
In this task we will look into more detail to HTTP headers.
- What is the flag value from the X-FLAG header?
To get the header information we use the following command with verbose mode enabled:
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Manual Discovery - Framework Stack
In this task we will look at the framework stack of the website.
- What is the flag from the framework's administration portal?
On the page source of the website we find a link to the framework used.
Here we find a link to the framework documentation which reveals a hidden admin panel.
We can login to this panel with the default credentials if they haven't been changed.
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OSINT - Google Hacking / Dorking
This room tels us more about google dorking and how it can be used to get better results.
- What Google dork operator can be used to only show results from a particular site?
This answer can be found in the supplied text.
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OSINT - Wappalyzer
This task introduces the Wappalyzer tool.
- What online tool can be used to identify what technologies a website is running?
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OSINT - Wayback Machine
This task gives us more info about the Wayback Machine website and its activities.
- What is the website address for the Wayback Machine?
The link to the service can be found in the text.
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OSINT - GitHub
This task show us how we can use GitHub to get information about a certain company, website, etc.
- What is Git?
The answer to this question can be found in the text.
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Version Control System
OSINT - S3 Buckets
This task focusses on Amazon AWS buckets and their use.
- What URL format do Amazon S3 buckets end in?
The answer to this question can be found in the text.
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Automated Discovery
This task tell us more about the various automated ways we can discovery hidden content.
We can use multiple tools to perform this automated discovery. Below are the commands used for three common enumeration tools.
ffuf -w /usr/share/wordlists/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt -u
dirb /usr/share/wordlists/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt
gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/common.txt
- What is the name of the directory beginning "/mo...." that was discovered?
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- What is the name of the log file that was discovered?
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