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Windows Fundamentals 2

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Windows Fundamentals 2

This guide contains the answer and steps necessary to get to them for the Windows Fundamentals 2 room.

Table of Contents

System Configuration

In this task we will be looking at the System Configuration utility which is used to help diagnose startup issues.

  1. What is the name of the service that lists Systems Internals as the manufacturer?

Opening the System Configuration utility we can get the answer in the Services tab.

SysInternal Service

Click for answerPsShutdown

  1. Whom is the Windows license registered to?

For this answer we can open the about windows utility from the tools tab.


Click for answerWindows User

  1. What is the command for Windows Troubleshooting?

The answer can be found on the tools tab under windows troubleshooting.


Click for answerC:\Windows\System32\control.exe /name Microsoft.Troubleshooting

  1. What command will open the Control Panel? (The answer is the name of .exe, not the full path)

The answer can be found on the tools tab under system properties.

Control Panel

Click for answercontrol.exe

Change UAC Settings

In this task we will look more at the user account control settings.

  1. What is the command to open User Account Control Settings? (The answer is the name of the .exe file, not the full path)

This answer can be found on the tools tab of the system configuration utility under change uac settings.

User Account Control

Click for answerUserAccountControlSettings.exe

Computer Management

In this task we will learn more information about the computer management utility.

  1. What is the command to open Computer Management? (The answer is the name of the .msc file, not the full path)

This answer can again be found on the tools tab of the system configuration utility under computer management.

Computer Management

Click for answercompmgmt.msc

  1. At what time every day is the GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA task configured to run?

In the Computer Management utility we can open the Task Scheduler and look for the Google Update task.

Task Schedule

Click for answer6:15 AM

  1. What is the name of the hidden folder that is shared?

This folder can be found under the Shared Folders tab.

Shared Folder

Click for answersh4r3dF0Ld3r

System Information

In this task we will look into the System Information utility.

  1. What is the command to open System Information? (The answer is the name of the .exe file, not the full path)

This answer can be found on the tools tab of the system configuration utility under System Information.

System Information

Click for answermsinfo32.exe

  1. What is listed under System Name?

This we can find on the first tab.

System Name

Click for answerTHM-WINFUN2

  1. Under Environment Variables, what is the value for ComSpec?

This answer can be found under Software Environment and Environment Variables.

Environment Variable

Click for answer%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe

Resource Monitor

This task we focus on the Resource Monitor utility.

  1. What is the command to open Resource Monitor? (The answer is the name of the .exe file, not the full path)

This answer can be found on the tools tab on the System Configuration utility under Resource Monitor.

Resource Monitor

Click for answerresmon.exe

Command Prompt

In this task we get more info about the command prompt utility.

  1. In System Configuration, what is the full command for Internet Protocol Configuration?

This answer can be found on the tools tab on the System Configuration utility under Internet Protocol Configuration.

IP Command

Click for answerC:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\system32\ipconfig.exe

  1. For the ipconfig command, how do you show detailed information?

Looking at the help manual for this command we can see how to get all information.

IP Config

Click for answeripconfig /all

Registry Editor

In this last task we look at the registry editor utility.

  1. What is the command to open the Registry Editor? (The answer is the name of the .exe file, not the full path)

This answer can be found on the tools tab on the System Configuration utility under Registry Editor.


Click for answerregedt32.exe