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Websites & Other Resources

Not all tools have to be downloaded or installed on your computer. I found some invaluable resources/websites the can help you in your endeavours. But, as with the commands, at a certain point it just becomes too much to remember.

Need a better meme here..

So I created this collection of websites that I find to be very interesting and might help others out in the process. I mean, I learned most of my stuff looking at what other people are doing/using.

\\\\====== Just show me the websites already ======////


Command Injection

Command Injection Payload List

ℹī¸ This Github repository contains several payloads for use in command injection attacks on Unix or Windows systems.


Domain Enumeration

Certificate Search

ℹī¸ Offers a searchable database of certificates that shows current and historical results for a given domain name.


Entrust CTSearch

ℹī¸ Offers a searchable database of certificates that shows current and historical results for a given domain name.


XSS - Cross Site Scripting

XSS Hunter (depreciated)

ℹī¸ A popular open source web-based tool for identifying cross-site scripting (XSS) bugs in websites. Now depreciated, use the offline version now.
